Spoiler-Free Movie Not-Really-A-Review- "Retribution" starring Liam Neeson


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2006
No real spoilers here. In the event you ever want to go see a movie where Liam Neeson basically mails it in, this one is for you. I generally like watching his movies. A great, philisophical and stylistic actor he is not, and this movie will not win any awards. But he always seems to make interesting movies. At least to me. His normally gruff and against-the-grain attitude makes many of his movies fun to watch. This one though, is a shallow wading pool of cranial depth. Even a 4 year-old should be able to understand the thin-azz plot. It's about greed and backstabbing, and sh*t that blows up. You know, typical life. Press the I believe button, sit back with the popcorn, and just roll with it and everything will be fine. It's a race against time, which drives, literally, the plot.

Typical action movie for Liam. He does seem more vulnerable in this one than he usually is in a movie like this, but he DOES eventually "get slightly smarter" as the movie goes on, even though he does puss out at a crucial time. It's kind of funny though to imagine him as a "dad" to a couple of school-aged teenagers. More like Grandpa realistically.

However, this is the FIRST movie I've ever seen where Liam Neeson literally sits on his azz virtually the ENTIRE MOVIE!!!! If you seen the previews, you'll know why.

It is what it is. Don't take it seriously and it can be a fun way to waste a couple of hours of your life. Still, it's probably better than the Barbie movie.

What's interesting is the fact that this movie is a virtual REMAKE of another movie. Here's Liam's "Retribution" trailer:

Here's a German movie made in 2018 that is the one "Retribution" was likely copied from. It was called "Meineke." Ok, just kidding. It's called "Steig. Nicht. Aus!" (German for "Don't. Get. Out!"). If fluent in German, you'll get it. I'm not but it doesn't take a rocket monkey to figure out the similarities. Right down to the make/color of SUV.


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